"It Looks Like Morning"
As I painted this, my youngest son, age 7, came and put his arms around my arm and looked and he asked “mom, how good are you at painting like this?”
I responded, “I don’t know, what do you think?”
He looked at it and gently said, “It looks like morning.”
“It Looks Like Morning”
12” round, acrylic and molding paste on pine panel
As I painted this, my youngest son, age 7, came and put his arms around my arm and looked and he asked “mom, how good are you at painting like this?”
I responded, “I don’t know, what do you think?”
He looked at it and gently said, “It looks like morning.”
“It Looks Like Morning”
12” round, acrylic and molding paste on pine panel
As I painted this, my youngest son, age 7, came and put his arms around my arm and looked and he asked “mom, how good are you at painting like this?”
I responded, “I don’t know, what do you think?”
He looked at it and gently said, “It looks like morning.”
“It Looks Like Morning”
12” round, acrylic and molding paste on pine panel